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Week of Prayer for North American Missions
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United StatesWeek of Prayer for North American Missions - Annie Armstrong Easter Offering - Church Goal $2000
Sunday School
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United StatesSunday School for all ages!
Morning Worship
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United StatesMorning Worship Service
Encore SS Class
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United StatesJoin us Sundays evenings at 5:00 in the Mosaic Classroom for Encore Sunday School. An alternative time for when you canÕt make
Evening Worship
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United StatesEvening Worship Service
Kid’s Power Hour/Choir Practice
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United StatesKid's Worship, Bible Study and Choir
Drama Practice
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United Statesdrama practice
Week of Prayer for North American Missions
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United StatesWeek of Prayer for North American Missions - Annie Armstrong Easter Offering - Church Goal $2000
North American Missions Study and Supper
North American Mission Study and Salad Supper will be held at the Palmetto Baptist Association!Missions March Sunday,Hillcrest Baptist Church,,3/8/2020,,,,TRUE,Missions
Week of Prayer for North American Missions
Hillcrest Baptist Church , United StatesWeek of Prayer for North American Missions - Annie Armstrong Easter Offering - Church Goal $2000