Hillcrest Baptist Church is committed sharing the message of Jesus Christ
from Williamston to nations around the world.

Local Missions

“Lazarus Projects” shares the love of Christ while helping with various projects (new roof, wheelchair ramp, etc) for those in our community who need assistance. Both skilled and non-skilled laborers as well as support people who can help the working crew and build relationships with the home owners are always needed. VIEW LAZARUS PROJECTS

“Feed My Sheep Ministry” helps provide a meal for those in our community who are hungry. This ministry is designed to target multiple locations around our area on a bi-monthly basis.

“Back-Pack Ministry” provides food for local school children to take home over the weekends.

“Warming Shelter” is open when the temperature is 25 degrees or below. This ministry is for those who are in need of a warm place to sleep; a hot meal; and even a hot shower. Clean towels and toiletries are provided.

North American Missions

Ocoee Outreach: HBC sends mission teams each summer to provide assistance in repairing homes with construction projects such as roofing, wheelchair ramps, painting, etc. This mission effort is located in Cleveland, Tennessee.

West Virginia Missions: HBC sends mission teams in the spring and late fall. Food and clothing, along with construction projects have been our primary focus. We also have had block parties and even had a tennis shoe-turkey run!

Utah Missions:  HBC has been praying for a possible partnership in reaching St. George Utah with a Southern Baptist Church presence and to be able to spread the Gospel around areas of Southwest Utah.

Special Offerings: HBC joins with other Southern Baptists during the spring months to fund a special offering (Annie Armstrong) to the North American Mission Board. Through this fund we send out chaplains, social ministry personnel, church planters and a host of others who are reaching our nation for Christ.

International Missions

Lottie Moon: As a church we are concerned about the people near us as well as the people around the world. HBC joins with thousands of other churches to pray, give and go through our International Mission Board, the largest mission agency in the world. This agency reaches thousands of people groups, spreading the Good News by feeding people, digging wells, medical clinics, disaster relief, providing schools and every way possible.

Pray for these missionaries and give generously to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

International Mission Trip Opportunities: HBC members have had opportunities to travel on International Mission trips. For three years, HBC concentrated on India. Now our focus is on Thailand. We, as a church, are so excited to see where God is going to send our next mission team!

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Billy Graham

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis


Would you like to be part of our next adventure in missions?

    Upcoming Events


    March 5 @ 5:45 pm


    March 5 @ 6:00 pm